
If you're excited about the campaign and want to help out, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer.

Also, if you have a special skill or talent that we could use, then please get in touch!

Contact: volunteer@electluann.com

Volunteer Opportunities

Phone banking: Help make sure that everyone in the community knows Luann and that they are planning to vote. Once you are set up in our calling system, calls can me made any day, at your convenience, between the hours of 10am and 8pm.

Texting: Send text messages from your computer to share information on the campaign, events, and more. Available periodically based on texting initiatives.

Polling place assistants: Distribute literature for a period of time outside the polling locations on November 8th (General Election). We also need volunteers to deploy signs on both dates before polling places open and collect the signs after closing.

Literature drops: Help us distribute literature to homes throughout the district. No worries about contact, we will just be leaving literature behind for their reference.

Event assistants: We will be holding several outdoor Candidate Meet-and-Greet events. Help with set-up, take down, and greeting visitors.

Adopt a sign: Be our eyes in the community and let us know if a sign is damaged or in need of repair. You will be assigned a sign near your home or along your normal travel path.

As a bonus perk of being a volunteer, you're welcome to play with the dogs anytime you want! Bella is a therapy dog with Paws For People, and she'll definitely help you relax after a long day. Margarita doesn't have her certification yet, but you'd never know it with how well she's taken after her big sister.